
Sara Sofia Pedro Vieira - Guide


Name: Sara Vieira.

Position: Guide.

Place and date of birth: Lisboa, Portugal on the 5th June 1994.

Hometown: Lisboa, Portugal.

Star sign: Gemini.

Education: Bachelors degree in Marine biology and biotechnology and Masters degree in Biology of Conservation.

Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English.

Experience: Working as a whale watching guide since 2018 on different places like Portugal mainland, Azores, Mexico and now Iceland. Started by Gentle Giants in 2023.

Interests: Travel, animals, yoga, movies, sunsets at the beach.

Favourite Icelandic food: Still looking for it.

Favourite foreign food: Sushi for sure.

Favourite band / singer: It is always super difficult for me to choose one, but right now Ziggy Alberts has been a lot on my ear.

Football / soccer team: Always rooting for Portugal.

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