During last weekend a local festival, Mærudagar (“Candy Days”) has been going on in Húsavík. This celebration, which is being held for the 15th year, attracts many people and over 6000 visitors celebrated the festival over the weekend. The main life was down at the harbour area, where many interesting events took place – in beautiful weather conditions.

One major event in connection to Mærudagar is a local sea angling competition, which is held by Gentle Giants. This competition has grown bigger every year – and this time there were lots of participants of all ages!

All 27 participants were divided into six fishing vessels and then spent four hours out on the bay to fish. When back in land, prizes were given for the biggest fish, most catch, and most types.

Gentle Giants wants to give special thanks to all the local boat owners for use of their boats, the companies which supported the competition, and last but not least, all the participants themselves and hope to see them again next year!

sea angling competition
Both experienced- and future fishermen took part. Photo: Jon Christian.


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