Some days ago we moved into our new Ticket Centre which is looking better day by day. Our carpenters are still around fixing final things here and there but soon their project is over. Bendi and co at VAL have done a great job! During my day today selling tickets I have proudly welcomed both travellers and locals in to admire our new comfortable working environment.

Daniel spent his day out at sea, guiding, and I received a call from him around 11:00. He was very excited about five minke whales which were feeding just around the boat. Captain Bessi had sailed Faldur to ”The Fish Rock” (close to the mountains on the other side of the bay) which are usually good feeding grounds for whales. We often find minkes there – and so also today.

It is not as easy to identify minke whales as for example humpbacks, but both Bessi and Daniel recognised one individual on the 9:45 tour which had been seen here last year as well. It is big and has a significant scar on its dorsal fin. ”It is nice to see that this whale has returned to Skjálfandi. ”The Scar” was very easy to watch. Maybe she recognised us too?” Daniel said and smiled.


Here you see the minke with its significant scar:


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