For some days there have been no humpbacks in the bay - but now they are back!

Ann-Sophie guided the 9:45 tour and this is her story:

“We had been watching a minke when we decided to head further out in search for something else. Immediately some beautiful white-beaked dolphins appeared and swam with the boat but wandered off after some time, like dolphins do. That was when I saw the first blow, like a geyser coming up from the surface. It came to light it was a humpback.

At first I thought it was alone, but then I realised there were two humpbacks swimming together. One was flipper slapping and playing around. I am so happy they are back!” said Guide Ann Sophie, smiling with her whole face after seeing the humpbacks again.


A flipper slapping humpback in Skjálfandi Bay was entertaining our 9:45 passengers.


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