After we participated successfully in the big rescue drill, we went out in the bay looking for whales again. And we did find them.

During the last days we watched amazing minke whales feeding on the surface, coming up with their mouths open, full of fish and sea water. Something very special to watch.

Furthermore there have been hundreds of dolphins in Skjálfandi Bay since Saturday. They were always swimming around in groups with 15 to 30 animals. Fortunately dolphins are really curious whales and when we had them around the boat, they were coming very close, swimming under and in front of the boat. Yesterday we could even see them jumping out of the water which was a lot of fun!

But we did not only have the smaller whales around our boats, humpbacks and blue whales were passing by as well. Nearly every day we got the chance to see those gentle giants. A breath-taking experience to have the biggest animals of the planet so close that you can nearly touch them! To hear them breathing and see the huge blue back appearing on the surface is exciting and spectacular every single time you see it. Some of the blue whales were feeding as well, which means we had the chance to see them really active rolling around in the water, which is even more exciting and rarely to see!


The following photos of those gentle giants were taken by guide Ann-Sophie on her GG7 Big Whale Safari last night:

GG7 Big Whale Safari

GG7 Big Whale Safari

GG7 Big Whale Safari

GG7 Big Whale Safari

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