For people who really love whales we offer a muti-trip pass which means that you pay for one tour a day but can go on as many as you want and manage.

Exactly that did Micha Jones from Germany; three days intense whale watching and those are his own words;

"GG provides one of the best guided tours I‘ve ever been too! The location is just amazing (and the weather also was the last 3 days)! It was a great adventure to go out to the whales with Sylvía, Faldur and of course the incredible Amma Sigga! And don‘t forget the cool captains and the skilled and knowledge packed guides on all the beautiful tours! We found whales on every of my seven trips with GG and be sure: I‘ll be back!

Best wishes and go on,

Mischa Jones, Germany

10th July 2012"

Mischa - one of our multi-trip passengers - happy after successful days on board our boats.

MISCHA Multitrip


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