It seems by us as if the high season is just continuing. Sometimes we are up to four people working in the Ticket Center at the same time; selling tickets, keeping track of departures and answering both questions and the phone. It is fun of course but busier than expected.

Unfortunately we have not been as lucky with whales as with the number of passengers, even though minke whales and dolphins have been around they have still not been found on all of our tours.

As the boats still often are full we do recommend everyone who knows when they would like to go to make a reservation in advance, for you to secure a place on the boat and for us to know how many passengers to expect.

You can book online, through sending an email to [email protected], call +354 4641500 or come to our ticket center (big white house with blue flags- blue like the ocean - in the centre of town).


Here you see Björg and Sigrún Vala working their way through the queue during a busy day in our Ticket Center.


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