It’s not for nothing that Húsavík is considered to be the “Whale Watching Capital of Europe”. The abundance of fish and other food supplies is not only attracting several species of seabirds, but also loads of whales that migrate north into their feeding areas.

Still, every tour is different and as typical for wild nature one never knows what species are going to show up on a tour. Even as a guide every trip is another adventure.

Just some weeks ago I was completely overwhelmed by emotions when I finally got to see a pod of killer whales, which I hadn’t seen in three years working for the company.

Therefore, it’s probably easy to imagine how thrilled I was when we were approaching a sperm whale yesterday in the early afternoon. Swimming slowly along our RIB Amma Sigga passengers and crew got the best views on that huge animal one could imagine. In total, we were able to observe three individuals. As sperm whales are able to dive up to 2 hours we’ve been really lucky they showed up all 15 minutes, staying with us for several minutes then.

When returning to the harbor Lia outlined:  “I am working for Gentle Giants since 7 years and never got to see them!” Daniel, who first thought I was joking, added: “… and I am working here for 13 years and never saw sperm whales!”

Sperm whales haven’t been seen in the bay for about 15 years. Though repeating that fact again and again during our tour, these words brought out how special that trip had been for all of us.

- Sarah

Read more about sperm whales here:

Sperm whale final.

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