A message in a bottle is what castaways used as a cry for help long times ago. Nowadays, everyone knows it from old stories or movies.

But to find one is what one would never expect to happen.

Though, that’s what happened to us yesterday noon whilst waiting for a humpback whale to surface again. Suddenly, a bottle with a letter inside popped up near to our boat. Excited and curious about the content we went for the bottle to get it aboard.

The letter Captain Sverrir and I found was coming from Grímsey, an island 40km off the north coast of Iceland’s mainland. Nowadays, about 80 people live in the small village of Sandvík. Grímsey is the only place on Iceland that is straddling the Artcic Circle.

Below you can see a photo of the letter we found inside the bottle. Following is the content of the message:

"Dear recipient, here is a greeting from all of us that are on Grímsey in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Sea Angling Acossiation of Akureyri, which was established on the 16th January in 1964.
We come here annually to have a novice tournament.
We, who sign this, have participate in the childrens' fishing and also have crossed the arctic circle.
Inside this bottle message is ash from Eyjafjallajökull.
Best regards from Iceland."

- Sarah

A message in a bottle is what one would never expect to find. Yesterday, we were extremly surprised to find following message floating in the Ocean.

message in a bottle

 Captain Sverrir taking the bottle with the message when returning to land after our Big Whale Safari.



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