Sperm Whale drawing

Even though it has been very foggy today, still all our tours have been really successful with many different exciting sightings!
However, the luckiest ones were probably our crew and passengers who left the harbor on-board our beautiful oak boat “Sylvía” at 16:45 this afternoon.
Suddenly, completely unexpected, at least TWO SPERM WHALES were seen surfacing near the boat! As they were not leaving for long dives (luckily, as they could dive for more than an hour in a row) our passengers got to see these beautiful mammals several times!
Sperm whales, which usually live in deeper waters out in the open ocean, only rarely enter our bay as it is too shallow for these 18m large whales, which dive up to 3000 metres deep. For some reason it still happens all few years, that some sperm whales surprise our boats and delight simply everyone on-board. Today – when no-one would have thought of it – was one of these days!

- Sarah

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