curious minke

Minkes are usually the shyer ones. Even though one can still get an excellent look at them, they are rarely seen approaching a boat for curiosity. However, within a few days, I was witnessing that behavior twice during a “GG2 Big Whale Safari” tour:

Some days ago we suddenly saw a minke floating on the surface. Its head seemed to be lying on the water. But when we stopped the boat the minke suddenly started to move, disappeared below the surface and started to approach our boat. As it was swimming right below the surface, we could follow and watch every movement of the whale. The minke would swim once along the boat – not even a meter away from us and roll on its side as if it was watching us from below the surface. Right in front of the boat it would surface again to breathe and cross over to the boat’s other side. Once on the other side, it would repeat its previous behavior. When it had passed the entire boat it would swim a circle in order to make a turn and do the same over and over again.

Then, just two days later, another minke started to show a similar behavior when circling around our boat. The whale wouldn’t surface once, but stay close enough to the surface so that we would see its entire body the entire time. He would cross back and forth from the left to the right side of the boat whilst swimming its circles. Our passengers as well as we, the crew, simply had to laugh about the whale’s adorable behavior. To be able to watch the minke we would have to move from the left to the right of the boat continuously what made the whole show even funnier. Short after, another RIB speed boat arrived and as the minke saw the boat, it left us behind to continue in entertaining even more passengers and crew members on the other vessel.

See the full video here: https://www.facebook.com/GentleGiantsHusavik/videos/1235418836510772/?pnref=story

- Sarah

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