humpback flukes next to RIB

Amit from India has been a passenger on our 9:30 GG2 Big Whale Safari on the RIB speed boat the other day. As throughout October, humpback whales were encountered on the trip. The same day in the afternoon Amit sent following message: “Hello, I had a great time today with Gentle Giants [on the] 9.30 morning tour, it was superb. Below are a few pictures from this morning for you!”

Scroll down for more photos to get a feeling for Amit’s experience aboard our RIB Amma Helga!

RIB Amma Helga finishes her season with the end of this month. Don’t miss your chance to experience the whales of Skjálfandi Bay for yourself on our GG2 Big Whale Safari!
From 1st of November, oak boat Faldur continues sailing the GG1 Whale Watching once a day at 10:45!

See you soon!

- Sarah

PHOTO CREDIT: Amit Choudhary (passenger)

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