feeding humpback whale

Humpback whales have been sighted daily now since the beginning of May. In various areas of the bay they've been showing all kinds of behaviours. Some were travelling, others resting. Again different individuals were seen feeding at the mountain side whilst others seemed to celebrate the for some time summer-like weather by jumping high out of the water - again and again.

Earlier today we were observing a humpback and two minkes feeding near each other. All were surfacing with a widely open mouth or already had it filled up with huge amounts of fish and water. The whales were accompanied by several bird species such as fulmars, kittiwakes and arctic terns, which were picking the leftovers from the surface.

Don't miss out on joining us on an exciting adventure in Skjálfandi Bay whilst on your journey around Iceland!

- Sarah

PHOTOS: Sarah Arndt (guide)


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