Humpback whales are often considered one of the main sightings in Skjálfandi Bay and the stars of the tours, for a good reason of course. Others though also deserve attention and in the past years, a broader variety of species have been visiting the bay, to much delight of passengers and crew getting to experience different types of whales.
Last season we were lucky to have long-finned pilot whales spotted on quite many tours. These toothed-whales usually travel in large groups and are rare visitors in Skjálfandi Bay. They were seen on and off over a longer period of time and frequently with their calves. There is action around them seeing many together often coming up to the surface at high speeds. They were also sometimes spotted in shallow waters close to land.
Here are some photos taken by whale watcher Tom Ardiff last autumn of a large group of pilot whales around our RIB Amma Helga.
Photos: Tom Ardiff