Spout of blue whale

As you sail out into Skjálfandi Bay, our crew is constantly on the lookout, searching for indicators that let assume there's a whale in an area. The best way to locate a whale is to spot its spout, which appears above the surface as the whale exhales air - and depending on the species, it can be spotted from afar. Based on the shape and height of that spout - also called the blow - it is even possible to determine what whale species is around. Once a blow is spotted, the crew will follow the lead and sail towards the area. Whales usually breathe a couple of times in a row before leaving for dive, which enables the team to keep track of the whale whilst getting closer.

Compare the two photos - I'm sure you'll be able to make out some differences between the spouts of a blue and a humpback whale!

- Sarah

SA_humpback blow.jpeg

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