humpback whale with foggy mountains in background

September has already ended but we couldn’t finished it without saying proper goodbye!

When we look back, we had so many good memories and shining days. Some days were challenging regarding the stormy influence of offshore waters, but it didn’t affect the presence of wildlife. Humpbacks whales were the champions of our month! Exactly, because several individuals were seen throughout the month, some of them even stay in Skjálfandi Bay quite a few days.

DA Magical September 3

September also brought us extra excitement, as seven different species were seen! We had the super rare visitor, the long finned pilot whales, as it was the first time it was seen this season in the bay! Blue whales and fin whales were spotted as well, apart from our regular visitors. ( humpback whale,  minke whales and white beaked dolphins). We also couldn’t forget the pod of orcas that delighted us for some hours. 

SA Orcas 2

Photo: Sarah Arndt

DA Magical September 1

DA Magical September 4

It was also the month that the summer left and Autumn colours were taking place. The cold days and brown leaves were occupied the landscape of Húsavik and Skjálfandi Bay. The snow is slowing down the mountains, as the days are getting colder and winds from the north are coming.  On some nights were possible to visible norther lights, giving light to the cold nights of autumn.

September is finished and it was magical with all of these different species coming to the bay. 

Definitely we couldn’t be more excited about what October may have reserved for us!

Join us on board to find out!

- Diana

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