humpback tail during sunset

While the weather has not necessarily welcomed us into the new month, the whales certainly did. Throughout our tours these days we were able to observe several humpback whale individuals that had entered the bay in search for food - or maybe simply to seek shelter from the even worse weather out in the open ocean up north. It's safe to say we couldn't have been luckier!

Day after day the animals were found in an area of the bay not at all far from Húsavík and especially on our RIB speed boats, we were able to reach them within only 15-20 minutes sailing time - which allowed for even more time around these incredible animals while having to brave the at times rather rough sea as little as possible.

These beautiful gentle giants would only dive for some few minutes before returning to the surface not far from the boats, which allowed us to get many great looks at them!

Hopefully, soon enough also the weather will start to show some compassion towards us and our passengers after having braved all these autumn storms already!

- Sarah

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