Guide Wit on board RIB speed boat guiding

At Gentle Giants, we are proud of our big blue family, an enthusiastic international team coming together annually striving to give our guests the best experience possible while visiting us here in Húsavík. 

Many of us have been here for many years, whether year-round or returning again and again for the whale watch season. On the other hand, we're just as excited to welcome new members to our team.

Wit is one of our new guides this year who started work with us with the season's start this April. 

Following is his story...


It's interesting how life sometimes comes full circle. How an idea from years ago suddenly becomes true. How an old dream turns into reality.

Every adventure has its beginning somewhere. This one started in 2016. That was when, for the first time, together with the travel agency I worked for as a tour guide, I went to Iceland. I remember my total excitement. From the very first moments, even at the airport. Every advertisement showed some wonder of this island: volcanoes, landscapes, ice caves, birds, whales...

Of course, I knew the travel plan. I knew where I would be and what I would be doing. But it was quite theoretical. The plan included a tour around the island, the famous "one": Every day new sights and feelings.

Our trip included many nature observations, mainly birds. We stopped at many viewpoints, looked at rivers, rocks, the sea. I almost slept with binoculars.

And so every day we were in a different place. Until one day, it was time to visit Húsavík.

A white, distinctive house with a sign saying Ticket Center: I walked in, introduced myself, showed my reservation and as usual, I chatted for a while. What pleasantly surprised me was the great kindness and friendliness of the staff. I liked their authenticity.

After a few dozen minutes, I was with the group on board Sylvía, an old fishing boat adapted for tourist whale watching. And again, the same thing: the kindness and professionalism of the guide and the good, sincere engagement and joy of shared observations.

I remember that it was then that my clever plan was born to work in Iceland. I went back to the Ticket Center and asked. Surprisingly, they told me to just send my CV and we’d see.

Years passed. I regularly returned with groups to Iceland. I returned several times for observations in Husavik. I got to know the area. Until it turned out that there was a possibility to return, this time as a guide. I met the formal requirements. There was a place for me. And so...

The circle closed. After eight years, my old dream came true. I work among kind people, in one of the most beautiful corners, probably the most beautiful country in the world, observing wild animals in their natural habitat. I envy myself! And I invite you to go whale watching with Gentle Giants!"

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