tail of humpback whale with mountains on the background

As you may know, Húsavík is considered the whale capital of Iceland.
But why here? Why do they come to Skjálfandi Bay?

If you read our last post you will find out that whales come to Skjálfandi Bay with the ultimate goal of finding food and eating as much as they possibly can. But what is the reason of so much food around?

Nutrients! The bay is filled with nutrients!

Skjálfandi Bay has a beautiful background, the Kinnarfjoll mountains, which get covered with snow during winter time. When spring arrives, the temperatures will start to rise, melting the snow until the end of summer and the water will run through the mountains absorbing all nutrients that find on its way. As its final destination, the water reaches the bay through the beautiful waterfalls.

And just like that, we have one of the most important sources of nutrients in the bay! Having a big quantity of nutrients in the water will result in an increase of the amount of food available, not only for the whales but for all marine life that inhabits Skjálfandi Bay.

Keep tune to our news or join us in one of our tours to know more about this subject!

All the photos here presented were taken by our guide Rui.


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