Today is celebrated the World Whale and Dolphin day!

Whales and dolphins have been facing multiple threats throughout the time, with whaling being one of the main threats that drove most of the species to the brink of extinction.

To help reverse this situation, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was created and established in 1946, as the global body responsible for the management of whaling and the conservation of whales.

In 1982, on the 23rd of July,  IWC decided there should be a pause in commercial whaling. 4 years later this day was declared to be the World Whale and Dolphin Day.

The implementation of rules and quotas created through IWC resulted in a positive impact on multiple whale population species allowing the numbers to rise worldwide.

Photographs of the humpback whale and white beaked dolphin were taken by our guide Rui Duarte.

- Sara

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