We are having quite some nice surprises in the bay and yesterday we had the surprise that the guides wait all season for.
We were fortunate to spot two orcas!
We could know that one of these individuals was an adult male since its dorsal fin was very high, something that can be used to distinguish adult males from adult females.
Orcas can be sighted regularly in Iceland, it only depends a little bit on where you are. For example, Snaefellsnes (west of Iceland) tends to be the place in Iceland where the chances of spotting these animals are higher.
In Skjálfandi Bay, the sighting of these animals may happen 3 or 4 times in a season, if we are lucky, and will always bring a lot of happiness not only to the passengers but also to the crew.
Photographs were taken by our guide Rui Duarte.
- Sara