As July is about to end, the pufflings at Lundey (Puffin Island) are about a month old by now. Fed with huge amounts of fish daily since weeks, they have grown big and strong and it won’t take long anymore until they will be old enough to venture out at sea.
For now, one after the other is making the first steps outside the protective burrow they were born in – never moving too far from its entrance, though, as after all, it remains a good hideout for another two or three weeks.
And while the parents continue to take care of them for a little while longer, it is not too long anymore until these cute little birds will fledge and leave their home behind – at least for a while.
Very soon, we might be lucky to spot some pufflings on the water around the island when stopping by during our “GG2 Big Whale Safari & Puffins”. Keep your eyes open for them – you will be surprised how differently they look from their parents!
Photos: Sarah Arndt (captain / guide)