Humpback diving, snowy mountains in background

September started greatly in terms of whale sightings: Hungry humpback and minke whales are roaming the bay in search for more and more food! Most of the time, they have been feeding around our boats, completely undisturbed by our presence, but mainly focused on getting as many "bites" as possible.

Weather-wise, the month has challened us quite a lot so far and sadly, some days we weren't even able to head out at sea.

But did you know: while we surely prefer flat seas and sunshine, stormy weather at sea - or Bræla as we call it - is actually beneficial for the marine ecosystem - and therewith for the whales!

The force of the wind churns up the water, mixing surface water with nutrient rich water from further down.

This phenomenon is called upwelling as the wind pushes away the water on the surface, which then is replaced by cooler water from below. The surface water eventually sinks down.

Waves, which form as a result of strong winds, distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout the ocean, creating livable environments for a variety of marine life.

Nutrient rich waters are essential for the food abundance in an area to stay stable and hence vital to the existance of the whales' feeding grounds here in Skjálfandi Bay as well as the reason for their annual return to the waters just out of Húsavík.

Therefore, as sad as it is for our customers and crew alike, stormy days at sea are needed if we want to keep showing these magnificent animals to as many of you as possible!

- Sarah (captain / guide)

📷 Matteo (guide)

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