Today we managed to sail again for the first time in two days. It has been stormy and difficult on and off but today the weather was great and our passengers got to enjoy minke whales and two humpbacks.

Our guide Sarah describes how this month has been by us so far;

Although the weather has gone up and down since the beginning of September and some trips have had to be cancelled, there are still whales feeding in the bay. Even the humpbacks are around and have been seen on almost all our tours. On some trips we even got them next to the boat, while just drifting.

The other day we spotted a whale going down for a dive in a short distance and decided to wait for it to show up again. Suddenly the whale itself decided to surface just a few meters away, so we did not even have to turn or move the boat. This was during one of those calm days between the rough storms and there was hardly no wind so we could listen to the breath of the whale and hear it moving on the surface. We could see its entire body when it was swimming close under the surface. Thanks to the whale's curious attitude, just staying around our boat, the passengers on Sylvía got a spectacular show.

If you are in- or planning on going to Húsavík: It is not too late... Really nice whales are still around and we can take you there (when the weather allows)!


Photo of a humpback whale, taken by our guide Sarah earlier this summer.


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