Yesterday night was one of those evening when everything comes together. Humpback whales took literally our breath away from the beginning of the tour until the end.

As a start, we were lucky enough to observe 4 fully grown humpbacks lunge-feeding right next to our boat; coming up at the surface with their mouths wide open! The number of whales in the bay was countless as we could see blows all around us in the distance.

As we were watching several humpbacks feeding, our captain Addi and guide Theresia spotted more whales in the south of the bay. We decided to approach them slowly. There, another big surprise was waiting for us as we find a very playful calf and his mother at the surface. This season has been very successful speaking about mother and calf sightings so far. This small baby was rolling at the surface several times close to his mum and all of a sudden it breached out of the water.

After two hours spending with the whales feeding and breaching out of the water, it was time to start heading back to Húsavík. As we started driving back, one humpback whale was showed its pectoral fin and started waving at us. This was the last present of the tour and we all understood it as a « goodbye ». We witnessed this evening so many different behaviors of humpback whales. This will surely become incredible memories for both our crew and guests on board!

Other wildlife included: White-beaked dolphins, Northern fulmar, Arctic terns, Atlantic puffins.

Check out our  GG2 Big Whale Safari and Puffins tour for yourself!



Photos: Guide Clement Brun

Humpback whale calf breaching

The humpback whale calf breaching out of the water.

Humpback whales lunge feeding

Two humpback whales lunge feeding.

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